Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bitter Water

"One Year Bible" Old Testament History Passage
Numbers 4:1-5:31

"And he shall make the woman drink the bitter water that brings a curse, and the water that brings the curse shall enter her to become bitter."  Numbers 5:24 (NKJV)

This passage today is one of the more bizarre and unusual portons in all of Scripture.  I believe that there are many actual events and practices found in the Old Testament that are designed by God to be vivid PICTURES OF SPIRITUAL REALITY.  It is as if God determined to give many object lessons in practical, visible form to show us the importance of our spiritual and moral condition.

As a test of moral condition, the accused woman was to drink holy water that had been tainted with the dust from the floor of the Holy Place.  It was therefore bitter water.  This water symbolized two things:

1) The water symbolizes sin.  Truly when we intentionally engage is willfull sinful practices, we are "drinking into a curse."  We are not only offending God, we are poisoning our own system.  If we could only see what sin really does to us!  It's like drinking acid that burns and kills.  Thankfully, the New Testament states that Jesus, by His Cross, cancels this curse to all those who come to Him!  He forgives and heals.

2) The water symbolizes sin in the presence of God!  This is holy water that has been tainted or fouled.  In essence, it is the combination of being in God's presence and at the same time experiencing conviction of sin.  How do we know what sin is in the first place?  God Himself defines the nature of sin.  And, it is only in His presence that we see our sins clearly. 

We believe that Jesus is the cure for our poisoning by sin.  We believe that the negative effects of sin can be removed by His ministry to su.  Those effects will stay only if we refuse to bring to Him.  Even though He will always forgive, there is also the process of cleansing our system of the negative effects of our rebellion.  So, may that FORGIVING, HEALING PROCESS go forward today!!!

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