Monday, August 8, 2011

The Delivery of God's Word

"One Year Bible" Old Testament History Passage
Ezra 7:1-8:20

One the first day of the first month he began his journey from Babylon, and on the first day of the fifth month he came to Jerusalem, according to the good hand of his God upon him.  For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach statutes and ordinances in Israel.  Ezra 7:9-10 (NKJV)

Ezra made a four month journey to deliver the Word of God.  Even though he was traveling back to his original home, his journey is similar to the Great Commission.  He went to make disciples.  He went carrying precious cargo for the purpose of raising up a new generation of God-seekers/God-followers.

God was with him in the journey.  It says here that "the good hand of God was upon him."  Jesus said the same thing: "...and lo, I am with you always" (Matt. 28:20).  He will be with us as we step out of our comfort zones and into His mission.  It may be across an ocean or across the street.  This is His heart -- for those who have not heard or been taught.

Ezra "prepared his heart."  This is important.  Scripture says that "the preparations of the heart belong to man" (Prov. 16:1).  It is our responsibility to prepare our heart for God's service.  We do this by keeping it clean and clear -- in communion with God -- free and alive. 

Then Ezra did three things: the NKJV says he prepared his heart to "seek" the Law of God.  Another translation says "STUDY."  Ezra was a continual studier of the Word.  He did not rely on yesterday's teaching.  He always sought "fresh bread."  Then, he DID it.  Ezra did not study the Bible simply to be smart or impressive.  He wanted to do what he learned.  This leads to the third thing he did: he TAUGHT.  Ezra did not consider the goal of his life to be himself.  He wanted others to benefit.  He became a conduit for blessing. 

God calls us all to do as Ezra did.  Get into God's Word, then live it, then share it.  God Himself has promised that His hand will be upon us as we do this.

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