Monday, February 7, 2011

According to the Pattern

Exodus 26:1-27:21

Isn't it amazing how particular God can be at times?  He goes into great detail as He prescribes how the Tabernacle and every part of it is to be built.  God cared deeply about the details of His house, and He cares deeply today about the details of your life!

There is an interesting little phrase dropped in at Ex. 26:30: "according to its pattern."  When Moses was on Mt. Sinai getting the Ten Commandments and hearing directly from God, the Bible says that God showed him the pattern for the Tabernacle.  Wow!  That's a lot of details.  Actually, I believe it was a vision.  In a moment's time, God deposited into Moses' spirit a picture of an elaborately beautiful place of worship and service.  God then told Moses, in essence, "Go out now and build what I just showed you."  The pattern was not a literal blueprint laid out on a piece of parchment.  It was a spiritual vision -- a picture of what God wanted.

I think this happens to us at times.  In a moment of worship or prayer, God deposits a picture or an idea of what CAN BE.  It is really good -- it is exciting.  He then sends us to walk out that which we have seen from Him.  He says to us, "Go now and build your life according the pattern that I have shown you."  This is not some super-spiritual mystical experience -- it is a life-giving relatinship with the God of the universe who cares about the details of our lives.

1 comment:

  1. When I read the phrase "according to its pattern" it leaped off the page and touched my heart...because a few weeks ago, I was asking the Holy Spirit how to pray for this particular person that I love and want to see have an intimate relationship with Him. I heard that day, "pray for that pattern that I have placed within." What a powerful prayer...pray for the pattern that He has already etched into that person's heart. Pray for that life to come forth...that ministry to unfold! "Call those things that are not, as thought they were." We serve an amazing God!
