Wednesday, December 18, 2013

What Does God Want in 2014?

One Year Bible
Old Testament passage for Wednesday, December 18, 2013:  Habakkuk 1:1-3:19

Then the Lord answered me and said:  “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.  For the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.  Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.  Habakkuk 2:2-3 (NKJV)

What does God want to do in your life in 2014?  Are there things He is asking you to do?  What would 2014 look like if you took the right steps in His will?  On top of that, what do YOU want in 2014?  Where do you want to go?

During a really difficult time in the history of Judah, God told them to start making big plans.  He called them through Habakkuk to listen for God's whispers about better days to come. 

Vision is far more than good ideas.  It is the picture of what God wants to do.  It is the Spirit-inspired portrait of the days ahead in God's will.

Four things leap out at me from God's word through Habakkuk.


God says "Write down what you see."  I think it is vitally important to write out what God is telling you.  That takes it out of the realm of feelings and helps you hold on to His Word even when things look bad.


Plans must be simple.  A complicated, convoluted idea rarely gets done.  If God is telling you to do something, write it out in terms that you can easily remember and follow.  Clarity an simplicity are vital to any undertaking. 


In the words of Habakkuk, it is "running."  A vision without action is just a wish.  A clear vision with steps of obedience will win the race.

Habakkuk states this in an interesting way.  He says that the vision must be written in big clear words so people who are running can look up and read it -- so the runners can read.  But there is also another way to understand this passage  He says that the vision must be written clearly so people can read it and then run well -- so the readers may run.

Either way, our ability to run the race will is tied to our understanding of God's plans for us.


"Wait for it," Habakkuk says.  Though it delays, yet it is still on the way.  Every vision God ever gave is tied to a timeline.  Abraham had to wait years for his promised son.  It took Israel 40 years to reach their land of promise.  The best fruit is grown over a long period of time.  God wants us to be like oak trees rather than banana plants. 

If you and I hear from God and do as He says, I believe He will BLESS us.  I believe the year to come can be awesome in His will.  As the days draw down toward December 31, I am watching and listening.  I want to know the plans He has for me this next year.

That excites me, because I know His ways are always good.

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