Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tricked into Compromise

"One Year Bible" Old Testament History Passage
Joshua 9:3-10:43

(Forgive my absence for "the blog" for the past days.  I have been out of town and have not had the ability to post anything.  But, I'm home now, and look forward to regular entries here.  Also, some may know that I WON an IPad at the All Access Conference I attended last week. Therefore, remote entries will now the possible.)

"Then the men of Israel took some of their provisions; but they did not ask counsel of the Lord."  Joshua 9:14 (NKJV)

Joshua had led the children of Israel to cross the Jordan River and begin possessing their Land of Promise.  They had taken Jericho by miraculous intervention of God.  They had learned lessons in their conquest of Ai.  They were fulfilling the call of God!  It was exciting days for them.

God had given them clear instructions:  "Drive out the inhabitants of the land; do not make a treaty with them."  This was another way of saying "Do not compromise."  The inhabitants of Canaan were idolators who worshipped demons.  God told Israel that no remnant of such paganism could be left in the land.

It has been said that we are more often pulled away from God by our "friends" than by our enemies.  It is those who like us that so easily distract us from our destiny in God.  Israel's first permanent defeat in Canaan did not come from those against whom they fought.  The first defeat came from those who came wanting friendship -- the Gibeonites. 

This Canaanite tribe lied to and deceived Israel.  They tricked Israel into making a covenant so that they (the Gibeonites) could survive. 

This is the way sin works in the life of the believer.  It does not usually come with a frontal attack.  It comes with words of friendship.  It seeks to deceive you so that it can live another day.  Sin wants you to compromise so that it can "assist" you to have a better life in your Promised Land. 

How can we avoid such deception.  Scripture gives one simple answer.  Israel was tricked into compromise because "they did not ask counsel of the Lord."  They did not wait for God's answer.  God would have warned them.  He says that if we need wisdom, He will provide it (James 1:5).  If we will ask, He will answer.  This is the best quarantee any of us have of fulfilling our calling.  So, are you asking for God to speak to you today?

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