Monday, June 6, 2011

Raising Up the Next Generation

"One Year Bible" Old Testament History Passage
I Kings 1:1-53

"(And his father had not rebuked him at any time, by saying, 'Why have you done so?'  He was also very good-looking.  His mother had borne him after Absalom.)"  I Kings 1:6 (NKJV)

I very much appreciate how the Bible gives us the WHOLE STORY.  The Bible is full of real-life examples of both right and wrong ways to live.  We read about the successes and the failures of some of the greatest men and women of history.

David was obviously one the greatest leaders to ever sit on the throne of Israel.  But, here we get a glimpse of why problems attended his private life.  He spoiled his children! 

The son in question here is named Adonijah.  His older brother Absalom had sought to steal the throne from his father, David.  Now Adonijah is following Absalom's example.  There is severe rebellion among the sons of David.  Why did this happen?  Is it just a part of raising children?

Scripture says that David "had not rebuked him at any time."  An alternate translation says that David had not "pained" Adonijah.  Another way of saying this is, he had not spanked him.  He had not disciplined him.  David had not crossed Adonijah's will.  The result was that Adonijah lost respect for his father, and ultimately turned against him.

One of the major jobs of any parent is to provide limits and boundaries for their children.  Those limits must be inforced by strong loving discipline when necessary.  Foolishness if bound in the heart of a child and only the rod of correction can drive it far from them (Prov. 22:15).  This is the hard work of parenting.  It can be exhausting and discouraging to cause temporary unhappiness or pain to your own child.  But the fruit of it will last a lifetime. 

David failed to guide his own children.  Perhaps he was TOO BUSY.  The result was more pain than any temporary tears could have been. 

May we raise up a new generation who knows the fear of the Lord and who walk under godly discipline and authority.  It is hard work, but the rewards are fantastic!

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