Saturday, August 25, 2012

The God of All Comfort

"One Year Bible" New Testament Passage (for Sun., Aug. 26)
II Corinthians 1:1-11

And our hope for you is steadfast, because we know that as you are partakers of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the consolation.  II Corinthians 1:7 (NKJV)

Why does God lead us through seasons of suffering?  There are those who believe that God could never do such a thing. They would say that only the devil is involved when it comes to suffering. God only deals with blessing.

The fact is, however, that our sovereign God DOES lead us through times of testing, times of trial, times of suffering. It is important for us to understand this.  When these things come our way, it is not a sign that we are out of God's will, or under judgment in some way. Suffering is not always because we have fallen into some heinous sin.

Scripture declares that suffering is a context in which we get to know God better!  We become personally acquainted with the GOD OF ALL COMFORT. God wants us to know and experience the intimate care and encouragement that comes from God in the darkest moments.

This is so important!  It is part of His entire redemptive mission. We are sent into a sick and suffering world. We carry the ministry of the GOD OF ALL COMFORT. This is not a doctrine or a teaching. It is an experience. It is like medicine to those that suffer.

One last word: if we walk in a world of suffering, we MUST find God's comfort. And the comfort is stronger than the suffering. When this topic comes up, some folks think it means we are always to carry hard and heavy trials. God's way, however, says that if suffering abounds, the comfort should abound even more. That's the way God wants it. NO MATTER HOW HARD THINGS GET, WE CARRY COMFORT GREATER THAN THE SUFFERING. That brings great glory to our God. 

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